The resumption of works abandoned by the Ministry of Education (MEC) were already being considered. Last Thursday, the 16th, the minister confirmed that around 4,000 works will continue this year. We are mainly talking about new proposals for kindergartens, federal institutions and universities.
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On the same day the announcement was made, the news was also released that the CAPES and CNPq research grants would have their values updated by a maximum of 40%. Scientific grants had not received readjustments since 2013, so they were lagging behind.
After the ceremony that announced the readjustment of the grants, Camilo Santana stated that they are carrying out data surveys and which works need to be resumed. For many of them, there will be a legal intervention so that they can follow up, given the downtime. There are works, for example, that have been stopped since 2007.
During the same speech, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) announced that he will allocate R$ 23 billion for the works be resumed later this year: “Only in the year 2023, our government will invest more in infrastructure than in the four years of ex-president. It was R$ 20 billion in four years. And we, in just one year, are going to invest R$ 23 billion”, said the president.
The amount passed on to schools has not been updated for six years, so it also lags behind the required amounts. This is a statement that may come out soon, especially when the MEC minister announces new resources for Statesand municipalities across the country.
Individually, the amounts reach a maximum of R$ 1.07 per student.
In primary and secondary education, R$ 0.36 per student is transferred; R$0.53 for pre-school students; R$0.32 per youth and adult education student; R$ 0.64 per student from quilombola and indigenous schools and R$ 1.07 for children enrolled in full-time day care centers.
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