Families registered in the Cadastro Único (CadÚnico) and who have a monthly per capita income less than or equal to half the minimum wage are entitled to the Brazil Aid. Likewise, this same portion of the population also has the right to receive the Federal Government Gas Voucher.
This program has a calendar that tracks the payment dates for the Auxílio Brasil, and the next deposit will be made in April 2022. However, many Brazilians are still on the waiting list without knowing when and if they will receive the benefit.
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Read more: Is it possible to receive Brazil Aid, Gas Voucher and Social Tariff at the same time?
The Vale-Gás can be consulted through the Caixa Tem app, whose creation refers to the former Emergency Aid of 2020 and 2021. Including, registrations are also made by the application, while the selection only includes citizens who are within the rules. However, many families, even with all the requirements met, are not receiving the portion that is due to them.
According to data from the Ministry of Citizenship, 5.47 million families received the last payment, which took place between January and February. However, there is no fixed date or date to be defined for new beneficiaries to be included in the program. For now, all that is known is that the new families will join the program in the coming months, but the month has yet to be specified.
In addition to the beneficiaries already registered, the Federal Government also anticipated the payment of Vale-Gás for families affected by the rains. Thus, residents of the South of Bahia and also of Minas Gerais had the amount of the Aid paid in December 2021. In this case, more than 108 thousand families were able to benefit from the amount given by the Federal Government to help in this difficult time.
To check the complete payment schedule, access the website of the Ministry of Citizenship, where the dates until the end of the year are available. Thus, you can schedule the purchase of gas within the correct dates.