When visitors come to your home for the first time, they certainly notice the smallest details – even if unconsciously. So that there are no constraints and you can guarantee a good impression, we have separated a list of things that visitors notice your home and that you should take care to keep it a cozy environment.
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Anyone who has never used the phrase “don't notice the mess” should throw the first stone. Receiving last-minute visits is a nightmare, cleaning the house in a hurry and impromptu is definitely not pleasant.
If you – fortunately or not – constantly receive visitors in your home, find out now things that do not go unnoticed by visitors.
Using the bathroom is the most common way and it is necessary that basic hygiene items are up to date: toilet paper, towel to dry hands, liquid soap and a scent of the environment.
Using the bathroom imperatively is a physiological condition, what you cannot do is use a dirty and careless bathroom.
Dining table
When visitors come to meet us for coffee, lunch, tea or dinner, it is expected that all the necessary utensils are placed on the table before their arrival. You don't have to place objects above the table just because they look nice.
If you are going to receive children in your house, it makes good sense to think about the little entertainment you can offer them. It can be activities, games, toys and even painting material.
If the purpose of the meeting is to talk, it is important that the sound is ambient and that the visitors have free access to the playlist and the sound box, after all, it is ideal that the songs are of mutual taste.
No one wants to go into someone's house and be cold or hot. It is necessary to guarantee an ambient temperature so that the space becomes pleasant.
In good manners, the owners of the house, on this day, should give up the most comfortable places, so that the visitors have the best seats and rest.
It's better to take the trash to the bin from the street before the guests arrive, to avoid inconvenience and unpleasant situations. Besides, it's not polite to ask visitors to help you clean the house. At this point, that task is up to the hosts.
First of all, checking whether there are objects scattered around the house is essential, so that no guest has an accident. Knowing that, if it occurs, it is necessary to deal with caution and education.