The Cadastro Único (CadÚnico) is a government instrument that gathers information on families in situations of social vulnerability. In that sense, have you ever stopped to think if Can a family be excluded from CadÚnico? The answer is yes, so we will list what are the criteria for inclusion, as well as exclusion from the Register.
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Firstly, in order to obtain a CadÚnico registration number, it is necessary to look for one of the assistance from the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) and the inclusion criteria are the following:
1. Death of all family members;
2. Impossibility of locating the family for a period equal to or greater than 48 months, counted from the inclusion or the last update of the register, if the management proves that it sought the family at least twice in that period;
3. Judicial decision;
4. Refusal of the family to provide information;
5. Proof of omission of information or provision of untrue information by the family;
6. Family request.
On the other hand, in some situations there may be individual exclusion of family members, according to the following circumstances: death, request by the person himself, court decision and separation from the family if a transfer is not foreseen for another family.
The data must always be kept up to date, otherwise the chances of a citizen or the entire family being excluded from the Single Registry are much greater. Therefore, the cadastral update must be done every two years at the most, even though it is not mandatory at the moment.
CadÚnico is extremely important so that families can be covered by a series of government programs, some examples are: Auxílio Brasil, Pro Jovem Teenage, Popular Telephone, Cistern Program, Green and Yellow House, Social Electricity Tariff, among others. others.