Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about compound period. Let's analyze this period in the text Why do fruits darken after cutting? So, answer the proposed questions!
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When oxygen comes in contact with fruits, it reacts with a substance in them and darkens them. In chemical parlance, this process is called oxidation. But that doesn't mean that the fruits went bad. To slow down oxidation, you can sprinkle freshly peeled fruit with lemon or orange. The acid present in these citrus fruits is a natural antioxidant.
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Question 1 - Identify the compound period:
( ) “In chemical language, this process is called oxidation.”
( ) “But that doesn't mean that the fruit went bad.”
( ) "The acid present in these citrus fruits is a natural antioxidant."
Question 2 - The period, identified in the previous question, is composed because:
( ) has more than one subject.
( ) has more than one core.
( ) has more than one prayer.
Question 3 - The compound period below was transcribed without the comma. Put it on:
"When oxygen comes in contact with the fruits, it reacts with a substance in them and darkens them."
Question 4 – In the above-composed period, the pronoun "he":
( ) takes back “oxygen”.
( ) announces “the oxygen”.
( ) complements “oxygen”.
Question 5 - Highlight the conjunction present in this compound period:
"To retard oxidation, you can sprinkle freshly peeled fruit with lemon or orange."
Question 6 – The conjunction underlined above expresses:
( ) addition.
( ) opposition.
( ) alternative.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.