O which is spoiler? Of English origin, the word spoiler comes from the verbto spoil, which means "to spoil". For example, the expression “spoiled brat” can be translated as “spoiled child”, giving the idea of an education “spoiled” by parents with pampering and lack of limits.
But it is not about the poor education of the little ones that the word is commonly used.
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In the entertainment area, take a “spoiler” it happens when a person, site or news source in general reveals information about the content of a movie, book, series or work, without the recipient of the message having seen it.
In a general context, spoiler can be considered as a killjoy, that person who tells the endings of movies, books, series, entertainment things in general for someone who hasn't yet it saw.
In this case, you don't necessarily need to tell the whole story, but decisive excerpts for the narrative and context of the work.
Most of the time, people who release these “pearls” act unconsciously, as they are excited about share the experience with the other, without realizing that they are telling important details about a certain subject.
Running away from the rule a little, some people don't mind receiving and even like it. For this, there are sites called “professional spoiler”, responsible for informing details about the subject discussed.
From the word came other expressions, such as spoiler alert, which loosely translates to “spoiler alert”, that is, the content (text, video, podcast, etc.) will contain revelations about the topic discussed.
But if you find the word in the aeronautics sector, don't be surprised. Spoilers are also called the parts contained in the wings of an aircraft, with the function of modifying its aerodynamics.
In the automotive area, the term also appears with another meaning, as the device that improves the stability of a vehicle, being more common in racing cars.
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