The first stage of the Central Bank's system for consulting amounts receivable from financial institutions is undergoing a recap. With this, it is expected that approximately R$ 8 billion of the “forgotten money” are retrieved by more than 30 million individuals and companies.
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Although many who entered the portal were disappointed with the low amount to be received – since in many situations, the “forgotten money” amounts to just a few cents or reais – some had amounts in the thousands to to receive.
According to BC information, approximately 13 million citizens have only cents to receive. Another 8.7 million can withdraw between R$ 1.00 and R$ 10.00. However, there is a group of 37,000 Brazilians who have between R$10,000 and R$100,000 to receive.
In this first phase, it is necessary for the citizen to carry out a prior investigation so that he can schedule the transfer date of the amounts. In addition, the Central Bank said that it is seeking to facilitate the request in the coming months, however, at least for the moment, the withdrawal is working via scheduling. Here's how to transfer the values found by the system:
The financial institution will have up to 12 days to transfer the ′′ forgotten money ′′ via Pix. However, if the bank does not offer such an alternative, the individual must contact via telephone or email to request the return by another method.