Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth year of elementary school, about verbal transitivity. Let's analyze the transitive verbs in the text Why do we have ears? To do so, answer the proposed questions!
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The auditory pinna, or ear as it is better known, is very important for our hearing, and its main function is to collect sounds. It works like a funnel that directs sound into the ear. But in addition, the ear acts as a radar, which helps ____ locate where the sound is coming from!
So, if we didn't have ears, it would be very difficult to hear all the sounds around us. Just out of curiosity, did you know that ears on some animals can have very different functions? In bats, for example, they function like eyes – they “see” other animals when they perceive the sound waves they send. And elephants use their ears to regulate their body temperature, fanning them to cool off.
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Question 1 - In “Why do we have ears?”, the verb is direct transitive because:
( ) no supplement.
( ) requires complement with preposition.
( ) requires complement without preposition.
Question 2 - In the segment “[…] a radar, which helps ____ locate where the sound is coming from!”, the verb “helps” is indirect transitive. Identify the preposition required by it:
Question 3 - Underline the following direct transitive verbs:
“[…] they 'see' the other animals when they perceive the sound waves they send.”
Question 4 – The direct transitive verbs underlined above refer to:
( ) to the 1st person plural.
( ) to the 2nd person plural.
( ) to the 3rd person plural.
Question 5 - In the passage “And elephants use their ears to regulate body temperature […]”, the verb “use” is classified as:
( ) direct transitive.
( ) indirect transitive.
( ) direct and indirect transitive.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.