Activity of text interpretation, aimed at eighth grade students, on the consumption of carbohydrates. To address the topic, the author starts from the question Does bread make you fat? Are you curious to know the answer? Want to learn more about carbohydrates? So, read the text carefully and be sure to answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Bread alone is not fattening. What makes you fat is excessive consumption of carbohydrates, as well as any other macronutrient, such as proteins and fats. Nutritionist Geila Felipe explains that it is wrong to think that carbohydrates should be cut from the diet of those who want to lose weight. The important thing, according to her, is not to exceed the recommended values.
However, an important tip for those who want to lose weight is that there are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple ones are present in foods with a sweet taste, such as honey, jelly, milk, sugar and fruits. On the other hand, bread, pasta, rice, cereals, potatoes, cassava and flour belong to the group of complex carbohydrates.
Those who want to lose weight should prefer a balanced diet, consisting of vegetables, vegetables, fruits, beans and whole complex carbohydrates. Whole foods are digested more slowly and, therefore, give a greater feeling of satiety, in addition to containing fiber that helps regulate the bowel. In that case, wholegrain bread might be a better option than white bread.
As for simple carbohydrates, they should be consumed sporadically and in moderation. To lose weight, the ideal is to avoid foods such as sweets, chocolates and sweets in general. The exception is for fruits and milk, which must be consumed, since they are a source of fiber (in the case of fruits), vitamins and minerals.
Practitioners of physical activities, lasting more than one hour, must prioritize the intake of carbohydrates before, during or after the activity. Those who do not exercise should control the amount of carbohydrates, especially at night, when the body's metabolism slows down.
Maria Ramos. Fragment of the text “Bread and health”. Available in: .
Question 1 - It can be said that the text read aims to:
a) criticize the reader.
b) instruct the reader.
c) entertain the reader.
d) thrill the reader
Question 2 - In the passage “Bread, by itself, does not make you fat.”, the author of the text:
a) makes a statement.
b) exposes an opinion.
c) raises a hypothesis.
d) establishes a comparison.
Question 3 - According to the text, “[…] wholegrain bread can be a better option than white bread”. Because?
Question 4 – Point out the alternative that contains foods belonging to the group of simple carbohydrates:
a) sugar, rice, milk, potatoes and honey.
b) fruits, milk, honey, sugar and jam.
c) honey, pasta, milk, bread and sugar.
d) milk, flour, cereals, honey and cassava.
Question 5 - In the segment "Whole foods are digested more slowly […]", the underlined term expresses:
a) the way in which whole foods are digested.
b) the way in which whole foods are digested.
c) the time at which whole foods are digested.
d) the intensity with which whole foods are digested.
Question 6 – In “[…] should be consumed sporadically […]”, the text refers to:
a) to simple carbohydrates.
b) to complex carbohydrates.
c) whole foods.
d) to foods such as sweets, chocolates and sweets in general.
Question 7 – In the excerpt “[…] since they are a source of fiber (in the case of fruits), vitamins and minerals.”, the expression “since” indicates:
a) a cause
b) a condition
c) a purpose
d) a consequence
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.