Bill 2956/22, by deputy Carlos Henrique Gaguim (União – TO) expands the extraordinary benefit of the Bolsa Família program (Brazil Aid) for indigenous families, in which the income must reach the value of one minimum wage. In today's article, we're going to talk a little more about this expansion of Bolsa Família and what the benefits are for indigenous families.
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For scholars, the fate of these peoples in the country is very uncertain, since many struggles are expected on the fronts. Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go for indigenous peoples to be able to secure their lands and a dignified survival.
In order to help this community, bill 2956/22, which is being discussed in the Chamber of Deputies, amends Law 14,342/22, so that all citizens participating in the program receive at least 400 reais per month month.
In addition, this year, the Executive Branch issued Provisional Measure (MP) 1155/23, which transfers an additional 200 reais to families enrolled in the
According to the deputy, this benefit is a form of compensation for the damage caused by the Brazilian State. He states that “The damage can be easily verified by the clear scrapping process that Funai, an entity that should be protected and equipped to face the enormous challenges necessary for the protection of peoples indigenous”.
The project was presented at the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies on December 12, 2022 and on December 19, 2022 it was received by the commission and is currently being analyzed. Specifically, the committees responsible for reviewing this project are the Human Rights and Minorities Commission (CDHM), Constitution and Citizenship Commission (CCJC), Finance and Taxation Commission (CFT) and the Social Security and Family Commission (CSSF).
Due to the transition of government and the victory of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), the social program will be replaced by Bolsa Família. Therefore, Auxílio Brasil must be absorbed, reformulated and relaunched in the format of the new program by March 2023.