Have you signed up for the Unified Selection System (Sisu)? The government platform allows students to compete for vacancies in public universities in the country, using the National High School Examination (Enem) score.
Students who applied for this year 2023 can now consult the results released this Tuesday (28), on the website https://sisualuno.mec.gov.br/.
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To compete for the vacancies available, it is necessary to use the Enem notes from the previous year. If you have been approved in a course, you need to look for the educational institution where you will study to find out what documents are required for registration. The deadline for this process is March 2-8.
If you didn't get a place on the chosen course, you can still express interest in joining the waiting list, from February 28th to March 8th. Choose whether you want to compete in the 1st or 2nd option of the course indicated in the registration. The results will be published by the universities themselves.
In summary, if your grade was enough to pass the 1st option, you will be approved in it, and you will not be able to choose between the 1st and 2nd option. If you were not able to pass the 1st option, you can be approved in the 2nd if the performance is sufficient. If you are not approved in any, there is still a waiting list!
It is worth remembering that Sisu is open twice a year. Each university establishes the weight of each area of knowledge of the And either for the selection of its candidates, according to the courses offered and their particularities.
Students are selected according to their Enem grade and ranking order, and those selected can enroll at the chosen university.
Sisu vacancies are disputed by students from all over the country, making the selection quite competitive. The program is an important tool to democratize access to higher education in Brazil, offering opportunities for that students from different regions and socioeconomic conditions can compete for places in public universities in quality.
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