To support people with hearing impairment, the State guarantees some ways to get retirement faster than the others. This modality is available for both men and women who have difficulty hearing and can occur due to contribution time or age. better understand the retirement due to hearing impairment.
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The first case that we will report concerns retirement by age in cases of people with hearing impairment. In these, workers will need to have at least fifteen years of contribution to the INSS, both for men and women and regardless of the degree of disability.
As for age, there is a difference between the sexes, being 60 years for men and 55 for women. Thus, the retiree will be able to receive the equivalent of 70% of the contribution amount, plus 1% for each year of work.
In this case, the INSS will differentiate benefits for different degrees of hearing impairment. In the case of people who suffer from mild disabilities, which is the difficulty in understanding the voice, there will be 33 years of contribution for men and 28 for women.
As for cases of moderate or severe disability, in which there is a need for a hearing aid or the use of sign language, there will be 29 years of contribution for men and 24 for women. Finally, there is retirement for serious cases, which requires 25 years of contribution for men and 20 for women. Remembering that a serious case is understood to be one that requires both the use of sign language and lip reading. In all these cases, it will be necessary to contain the proper medical evidence to be delivered to the INSS.
To schedule the expertise, you can use the Meu INSS app or call the official Social Security channel at number 135. In the expertise, the necessary exams proving the disability, possible prescriptions for medicines and also the ASO signed by the doctor must be presented.