Appendicitis is a disease that can become serious in a short time. Therefore, when detecting signs of it, it is necessary to seek help quickly. However, better than that is to prevent it from developing in you. For this, food can be an important differential. Understand.
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Appendicitis occurs when the appendix becomes inflamed, causing severe pain in the individual. This inflammation is due to the accumulation of feces, parasites or seeds in the appendix, which becomes obstructed. Such an obstruction causes the appendix to swell, which forms an abscess and causes pain.
In this sense, the main symptoms are: incessant pain in the abdomen, close to the navel; swollen abdomen; fever; nausea and vomiting; and difficulty moving the right leg. When observing these symptoms, it is necessary to seek a doctor, who will perform the tests and confirm the diagnosis. Being appendicitis, the treatment will probably proceed to remove the appendix, which does not bring harm to the body.
What can actually be harmful is taking a long time to see a doctor, as the disease evolves quickly and can lead to rupture of the appendix. If this happens, the bacteria will spread and fall into the bloodstream, which can lead to a generalized infection that leads to death. Therefore, the best thing to do is to prevent this disease, which can be done with food.
To avoid appendicitis, you need to insert certain foods into your routine, as well as remove or moderate others. Thus, it is necessary to avoid highly processed foods, as well as excessive consumption of sweets, pasta and very fatty red meat.
Also, eating too much at once and/or having a low-fiber diet can also be factors that make you more vulnerable to appendicitis.
Therefore, inserting fibers in the diet is necessary. In this sense, among the foods rich in fiber are the fruits, to the vegetables, to the legumes (such as beans and lentils), grains It is whole flours, whole grain breads It is cereals.