Manaus City Hall made public the Simplified Selection Process. The objective is to hire a Substitute Teacher for teaching Science and Mathematics. Contracts will be for a fixed period.
The evaluation method will be curriculum analysis. There will also be the formation of a reserve register. To apply, the participant must be at least 18 (eighteen) years old on the date of hiring. In addition, they must have Brazilian or Portuguese nationality.
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Interested parties must also be up to date with electoral obligations. In the case of men, it is necessary to have a document that proves to be
up to date with military obligations.
The workload of the contractors will be four hours a day, totaling 20 hours a week. The workday must be completed from Monday to Friday, in the morning or afternoon shifts.
Another qualifying factor is having physical and mental aptitude for exercising the position. These requirements must be attested by the Medical-Expert Board of the Municipality.
The remuneration will be R$ 2,380.55 for teachers in urban areas. For teachers in rural areas, it will be R$ 2,756.32.
Applications can be made between April 29 and May 5, 2019. The process must be done only via the internet, on the website: http://servicossemed.manaus.am.gov.br/psssemed/
The curriculum analysis and the evaluation of titles will be of a classificatory nature, and will follow the following criteria:
For more information about the selection process, Click here.