Again, the return of emergency aid was discussed, as, according to some Brazilian families, there are still effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in their daily lives, even if things have calmed down due to the vaccination.
For one of the parliamentarians in favor of the benefit, Renildo Calheiros, the return of R$ 600 is a support for Brazilians who are vulnerable, in addition to helping to move the economy in the country.
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However, it has already been decreed by the federal government that there will be no return of emergency aid, with the main argument being the lack of financial resources to fund a new round.
Therefore, the replacement of “Bolsa Família”, “Auxilio Brasil”, will be the main benefit in terms of income transfer present in the country, so the plans are foreseen for the inclusion of more participants.
So we concluded that it would not be feasible for public coffers to maintain both aid programs.
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