Activity of interpretation and text, aimed at fourth and fifth graders of elementary school, with questions based on the text The Faithful Messenger.
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A messenger, from a distant kingdom, needed to deliver a very important message to his king.
Long ago, the king suffered from an incurable disease. However, the messenger found in the village where he lived, a healer capable of producing a medicine, from rare herbs. So the faithful messenger decided to make a long journey to the king's palace to warn him.
However, a spy crow, of an evil sorcerer, told the news to his master.
The sorcerer tried to stop the messenger from delivering the good news to the king and cast a spell, which caused the wind blew strong to drag the man and the sun became so hot that it prevented him from to walk.
However, what the sorcerer did not know was that before leaving for the journey, the healer gave the messenger an enchanted coat, which protected him throughout the journey. Thus, the messenger was successful in his mission and received great recognition from the king.
Unknown author
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) Who is the main character in the story?
4) What is the king's problem?
5) What was the message the messenger needed to deliver?
6) What did the sorcerer do and why?
7) How did the messenger manage to escape the spell?
8) Look in the text and circle the verbs.
9) Now it's your turn, create a reason for the sorcerer to try to prevent the king from knowing about the healer. (with at least 5 lines)
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