Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the subordinate conjunctions. When do they rank that way? When they are meaning dependent on each other! Let's analyze the subordinate conjunctions in the text about the tapeworm? So, answer the proposed questions!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Do you know how long this worm can live? Up to 20 years. Although it has the popular name “solitary”, there is not always just a tapeworm in the intestine. But it's not for lack of trying: they release substances to inhibit the fixation of others
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 165. Available in: .
Question 1 - In the period below, there is a subordinate conjunction. Underline it:
"Although it has the popular name 'solitary', there is not always just a tapeworm in the intestine."
Question 2 - The subordinate conjunction, underlined in the previous question, is classified as:
( ) concessive.
( ) conditional.
( ) conformative.
Question 3 – Note the subordinate conjunction underlined in this text fragment:
“[…] they release substances to inhibit the fixation of other Taenia solium in the body, given that with that they can have a house and food to themselves!”
The observed subordinate conjunction introduces a fact:
( ) which is the cause of the above.
( ) which is the purpose of the above.
( ) which is the consequence of the above.
Question 4 - Point out conjunctions that could take the place of that underlined above:
Question 5 - In “The disease called cysticercosis is caused when larvae of this parasite reach the brain and eyes […]”, the subordinate conjunction expresses:
( ) time.
( ) proportion.
( ) Comparation.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.