Are you looking for a card without annuity and membership fee? O havan card may be right for you. Governed by Bradesco Bank, the card can be requested via the store application, available for Android and iOS.
Despite the numerous advantages offered, the product can only be used in the chain's stores, as it does not have no flag.
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Check out how it is possible to Havan card application, as well as its requirements and benefits.
Among the vbenefits offered by the Havan card, we highlight:
To get a Hawaii credit card You must be over 18 years of age, have proof of at least three months of service and have no irregularities in the Credit Protection System.
The card request form is made in a practical and simple way. That's because the procedure is done by your own cell phone, through the Havan app. To make the request, proceed as follows step by step:
After that, the application will undergo a credit analysis that will determine its possible approval.
See too: Sicoob Bank number for TED or DOC