Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses personal pronouns. How about analyzing this type of pronoun in the text Alone or accompanied? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
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Did you know that not every bee makes honey? It is true! Bees that have solitary habits do not make honey. They build their nests and supply them with pollen. Afterwards, they lay their eggs, close the entrance and never go back there to care for their offspring. When the larvae are born, they feed on the stock left by their mothers, until the food supply runs out. The pupa stage (or metamorphosis) then begins, when the larvae transform and take on the appearance of the bees we know. At the end of this phase, they are adults and go flying around to feed and, in addition, to pollinate the plants.
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 260. Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 - There are two personal pronouns in this period of the text. Highlight them:
"They build their nests and supply them with pollen."
Question 2 - Identify the referents of the personal pronouns in the period above:
Question 3 - Classify the personal pronouns, previously underlined, in straight or oblique:
Question 4 – In the segment "When the larvae are born, they feed on the stock left by the mothers [...]", the personal pronoun "if" indicates:
( ) the active voice of the verb “feed”.
( ) the passive voice of the verb “feed”.
( ) the reflective voice of the verb “feed”.
Question 5 - Note this excerpt:
“[…] the appearance of the bees we know.”
The subject of the verb is a personal pronoun that is hidden. Point it out:
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.