The new loan option announced by Caixa Econômica Federal, which uses the application box has, has been in effect since March 28.
More than 900,000 contracts have already been signed through the Digital Microcredit for Entrepreneurs program (SIM Digital). Check out more details about loans at Caixa Tem in this article.
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In order to offer more opportunities for low interest loans, Caixa has provided credit for individuals and MEIs with a maximum installment time in both cases can be up to 24 months.
Thus, those who want to start a business can contract amounts ranging from R$ 300 to R$ 1,000 using this method, with interest rates starting at 1.95%. The Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI) — legal entity — can take out a loan between R$ 1 and R$ 3 thousand with interest from 1.99% per month.
In addition, under the terms of Ordinance No. 660, any person with negative credit or whose name is registered with credit protection entities, such as SPC and Serasa, can apply for credit.
Remember that to access the service's resources, an individual must be interested in becoming an independent entrepreneur, even if informally. If you are MEI, you must have at least 12 months of activity/constitution before applying for credit.
In the case of individuals who wish to apply for the loan, they must first access the Caixa Tem application and register, or update it if they are already registered. After that, you must go to the credit option to start applying for credit. According to information, the period for analysis of the request lasts on average one week.
For those who are micro-entrepreneurs, the credit application takes place directly at Caixa branches. For this, it is necessary to bring proof of residence, receipt of delivery, DASN SIMEI and CCMEI.