The Ministry of Education (MEC), together with the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), released the necessary rules for candidates for scholarship quotas from the Pro-Rectory. From March of this year until February 2024, around 3.5 benefits will be distributed.
The new rules were published in the Official Gazette of the Union last Monday, the 3rd, registered in Ordinance No. 57/2023. The suggested parameters are the same as those established in 2020 and undergo an improvement process each year. Capes considers the candidate's score in the Quadrennial Assessment to consider which programs achieved the best score.
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In addition to the evaluation, the body considers the sizes of the courses presented by the Average Title of Courses (TMC) and by the Municipal Human Development Index (IDHM). According to the rule applied in 2020, this distribution turns out to be dynamic, as each institution can receive more quotas each year.
Scholarships will be divided into eight bands, with a separate calculation for each educational institution and for each level it is at.
Grants or scholarships for masters or doctorates evaluated up to 10 will receive 2 benefits from the pro-rector. For the range from 11 to 20, the number passed on by the pro-rector rises to 3. From the 21st to the 30th, there will be 4. Institutions rated 31 to 50 will have access to 5. Programs from 51 to 70 also show increasing to 6. From 71 to 100, 7; and, from 101 to 150, 8.
When it exceeds 150, the institutions will receive aid or scholarships of up to 5% from the pro-rector. Of course, those institutions that receive the transfer of these quotas need to have more than institutions with the minimum score (3).
the institution of postgraduate Anyone who wants to review the number of scholarships and quotas allocated can question the calculation at the General Coordination for Institutional Fostering of Postgraduate Studies in the Country by e-mail [email protected].
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