Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the third and fourth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text The ant and the grain of wheat.
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During harvest, a grain of wheat fell to the ground. There he waited for the rain to bury him.
Then an ant appeared and began to drag him to the anthill.
- Please leave me alone! – protested the grain of wheat.
- But we need you in the anthill - said the ant - if we do not have you to feed, we will starve in winter.
“But I'm a living seed,” complained the wheat. – I wasn't meant to be eaten. I must be buried in the ground so that a new plant can grow from me.
“Maybe,” said the ant, “but this is too complicated for me.
And he continued to drag the wheat.
- Hey, wait - said the wheat - I have an idea. Let's make a Deal!
- An agreement? - Asked the ant.
- That's right. You leave me in the field, and next year I'll give you a hundred grains.
“You're kidding,” said the ant in disbelief.
– No, I promise you a hundred Grains like me next year.
– A hundred grains of wheat to give up just one? – said the ant, suspicious. - How are you going to do that?
“Don't ask me,” replied the wheat, “it's a mystery I can't explain. Trust me.
“I trust you,” said the ant, who left the grain of wheat in her place.
And the following year, when the ant came back, the wheat had kept its promise.
Fables from around the world. São Paulo: Improvements, 2004.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) What are the main characters in the story?
4) What did the grain of wheat expect when it fell to the ground?
5) What did the ant want to do with the wheat grain?
6) What did the wheat grain promise the ant?
7) Did the grain fulfill its promise?
8) What do you think happened after the ant left the wheat grain?
9) If you were the ant would you trust the grain of wheat? Justify your answer.
10) Make an illustration of the story:
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