Just like others benefits, paternity leave is granted to workers who have a formal contract and are federal civil servants. In this way, parents can be absent from work for a certain period of time to go home and be with their newborn child.
With that in mind, we brought some information about the right to paternity leave to help you find out if you are eligible.
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The period of paternity leave for those entitled to the benefit is five days. If the company is registered in the Empresa Cidadã program, this period of time extends for another 15 days, which gives a total of 20 days of benefit. This license also extends in cases of adoption and obtaining legal custody for adoption purposes.
The Federal Supreme Court (STF) also approved the request for paternity leave, in May 2022, so that the father who is single and public official has the right to be released and stay with the child for a period of 180 days (approximately 6 months).
The request for the benefit of paternity leave must be made directly at the company where the interested party works. After the birth of the child, it is necessary for the citizen to show the certificate to prove the approval days missed, which are counted from the first productive day after the birth of the son.