Text interpretation activity, aimed at students in the third year of elementary school, with questions developed on the text “O avarento”.
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A miserly man had buried a pot of gold in his garden. Every night, before going to sleep, he would go there and count every coin.
One night, a thief who was watching him stole his gold coins. When the man found out, he began to whine. At that moment a friend passed by and said that he should have kept the gold in another safer place inside the house, where it would be easier to get it if needed.
The greedy man then said that he had no intention of spending even one coin of that gold. Hearing this, the friend threw a stone into the hole where the gold was and said that if it was not to be used, the stone would have the same value.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) What had the man buried in his garden?
3) Every night, what did the man do?
4) Upon discovering that he had been robbed, what did the man do?
5) When you tell a friend that you had no intention of spending the gold, what does the friend do?
Per Access.
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