Text interpretation activity, aimed at students in the third year of elementary school, with questions developed on the text “O rei Simbad and his falcon”.
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The brave King Simbad had a hawk, which he carried everywhere.
One day, the king went hunting with his falcon. After chasing a deer for some time, King Simbad became tired. He decided to rest for a while under a tree.
The king poured some water into a bowl for the falcon and then took the bottle to drink water. Suddenly, the hawk attacked the bottle and dropped it. King Simbad thought it was an accident and picked up the bottle again to drink from it.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) Who did the brave King Simbad go out to hunt?
3) After chasing a deer, what did the king decide to do?
4) When Simbad poured some water into the bowl for the hawk, what did the hawk do?
5) What did the king do when he saw that the hawk attacked his bottle again?
6) When the hawk pointed at the snake, what did the king notice?
Per Access.
At answers are in the link above the header.