Interpersonal relationships are not always easy, especially those with a greater degree of intimacy, such as that of a relationship between husband and wife. Plenty of communication, understanding, and the ability to apologize are essential to maintaining partnership and admiration. However, all this is non-existent when one of those involved is selfish and self-centered. These signs indicate that your partner has these characteristics.
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Concessions must be made so that one side is not always pushing harder or giving up more of its needs for the other. The relationship does not always give us complete freedom. Therefore, partnership is necessary. Unfortunately, some people don't have it easy and don't even strive not to be selfish.
Is it worth submitting to someone like that? See some signs that report this behavior and assess whether you are in a relationship with a person who is self-centered and only thinks about himself.
He always makes himself a priority.
If you are in a relationship where there is no room for you to make a decision or you constantly have to deal with with fights and someone in a bad mood when he takes it, so maybe he doesn't care much about what's good for you.
Loving is also accepting the wishes of the other and leaving him free and comfortable to do what he needs. If the person you love never accepts a decision you make that goes against their will or your needs, it's time to be alert.
He wants to have complete dominion over everything.
Imagine that you are invited out by your date, so you think about going to a movie theater in stripped clothes and then going to sleep. Yet your partner wants to pick out what clothes you wear, where exactly you're going and when you'll be back. Yes, the idea of being driven by one person may seem exciting, but not always being able to make decisions isn't always cool.
In fact, after a while, you may feel like you have no voice in the relationship and that you are always there. needing to give in to the person's wishes in order not to be ungrateful, but your needs are never taken into account account.
If the person doesn't even seem bothered to ask, "did you like it?" Want to do something different? Do you have anything to add?” then you really need to reassess the situation.