History assessment, aimed at fourth or fifth year students. This test contains questions about miscegenation and ethnic groups.
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1) When the Portuguese arrived, there were already inhabitants in Brazil, they were:
A) ( )Indians
B) ( ) Dutch
2) Is it correct to say that the Brazilian people are formed by a mixture of ethnic groups (races)?
Ah yes
B) () no
3) Brazil is a country with:
A) ( ) little miscegenation
B) ( ) great miscegenation
4) The African people were forced to be slaves in Brazil by the Portuguese:
Ah yes
B) () no
5) Indicate what its meaning is:
A) Mulatto ( ) a mixture of black and indium.
B) Caboclo ( ) mixture of white and black
C) Cafuzo ( ) white and indium mixture
6) What other process took place in Brazil that generated an increase in population miscegenation?
A) ( ) emigration
B) ( ) immigration
7) One of the most important laws aimed at blacks was the Áurea law, which sanctioned this law:
A) ( ) Princess Isabel
B) ( ) Prince Amancio
8) Who participated in the signing of the Golden Law:
A) ( ) The industrialists
B) ( ) Rodrigo Augusto da Silva
9) In your own words, write in 3 lines the importance of the Golden Law for Brazil:
At answers are in the link above the header.