Mathematics assessment proposed to fourth or fifth year students, with problem situations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and also about the monetary system.
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1) Carlos had R$300.00, during a card game he lost R$67.00 and won R$123.00. How much was he left with after the game?
A) 526
B) 356
C) 490
D) 110
2) What is the result of the following subtraction 873 – 687?
A) 957
B) 186
C) 214
D) 364
3) What is the result of the following sum 139 + 621 ?
A) 789
B) 7510
C) 750
D) 760
4) Marcos has to buy a backpack for Fernando and a Pedro, the boys don't want the same backpacks. The father has 120 reais to buy the two backpacks, he went to a store and found the following backpacks: the one from Monica's group for R$ 40.00, Bem 10's for R$ 80.00, Naruto's for R$ 70.00 and one of Spider-Man for R$ 90,00. Which backpacks did Marcos buy from the alternatives below?
A) Well 10 and Spider Man
B) Monica and Ben 10
C) Naruto and Spiderman
D) Well 10 and Naruto
5) In a park there are five four-legged animals. How many paws are there counting all the animals
A) 5
B) 10
C) 20
D) 8
6) A cube has 6 faces. How many faces have 7 dice?
A) 7
B) 14
C) 42
D) 49
7) On one farm there are 120 chickens and 53 cows. How many cows are there less than chickens?
A) 53
B) 67
C) 99
D) 120
8) How many 20 liter buckets are needed to fill a 500 liter water tank?
A) 25
B) 100
C) 250
D) 500
9) If a car costs R$ 68,000.00. We know that a company wants to build a fleet of 9 of these cars. How much will the company spend?
A) 100,548.00
B) 612,000.00
C) 485,456.00
D) 247,000.00
10) Maria's mother had her when she was 20 years old. If Mary is 34 years old today, how old is her mother?
A) 24
B) 54
C) 84
D) 70
At answers are in the link above the header.