History assessment, aimed at fifth or sixth year students. This exam contains questions about politics and National Symbols.
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1) Write the name of our current president.
2) Who was the first president of Brazil?
a) Fernando Collor de Melo
b) Luis Inácio Lula da Silva
c) Getulio Vargas
d) Deodoro da Fonseca
3) Despite all the progress, how is the Brazilian population?
a) Working, with public health working very well, everyone has a home.
b) Everything is excellent, everyone is well satisfied.
c) Many people are unemployed, homeless, without school and health is not doing well.
d) I don't know how to answer
4) There are many ways people can help with problem solving. Check some of them:
a) Not voting
b) Voting correctly, exercising their citizenship, knowing their rights, participating, presenting suggestions and fulfilling their obligations.
c) We cannot participate in solving problems.
d) I don't want to participate and I make a point of not improving anything for my own well-being.
5) What are the National Symbols?
a) Corcovado, Sugar Loaf, beaches
b) Flag, seal, Brasilia
c) Soccer Selection
d) National Flag, National Anthem, National Weapons Shield, National Seal
6) Who composed the lyrics and music for the National Anthem?
a) Joaquim Osório Duque Estrada/ Francisco Manuel da Silva
b) Vinícius de Morais and Tom Jobim
CD. Peter I and D. Pedro II
d) None of them
7) How should we behave when the National Anthem is being performed?
a) Talking, joking without respect.
b) Maintain a posture of respect, keeping upright.
c) We shouldn't have respect
d) Sitting down and not being forced to know the Anthem.
At answers are in the link above the header.