Assessment of Portuguese for senior high school students regarding syntax. Specifically, the assessment addresses phrase, clause, period, subject types and brief basic notions of morphology. In the attached material, there is a grid for students to mark the correct answer to each of the ten questions. From 1 to 7, we have questions extracted from the text; the others are independent. Take a look at this review! Worth it! Good job, teacher! 😉 😉 😉
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There are already medications capable of boosting the brain ─ for you to think, study and work more and better. But how safe is it to take them? “I had to prepare for a job and decided to take a pill. The result was incredible. I was able to study 12 hours non-stop.”
(Adapted from (
1. Regarding the title, we can say that
a) has a preposition and is a nominal phrase.
b) has a verb and is a verb phrase.
c) has no preposition and is a prayer.
d) it is a simple period.
e) it is a compound period.
2. The second paragraph of the text has
a) 6 prayers
b) 7 prayers
c) 8 prayers
d) 9 prayers
e) 10 prayers
3. The first word that starts the text is a
a) noun
b) adjective
c) numeral
d) verb
e) adverb
4. The last word that ends the text is a
a) noun
b) adjective
c) numeral
d) verb
e) adverb
5. In the sentence, "But how safe is it to take them?", the first and last words are respectively:
a) conjunction and definite article
b) adjective and verb
c) verb and noun
d) interjection and pronoun
e) conjunction and pronoun
6. The word "medicines" that is in the first sentence of the text has the syntactic function of
a) simple subject
b) hidden subject
c) indeterminate subject
d) direct object
e) indirect object
7. The verbs “I stayed”, “I passed” and “I turned” that start the third paragraph
a) do not have the same type of subject
b) have the same type of subject
c) have different types of subjects
d) have no subject
e) have three composite subjects
8. Review the statements:
I – Did it thunder a lot that night?
II – It was dawn in the city of Canela.
III – Geara in that region.
IV – An idea came to mind.
Of all the alternatives above, we can say
a) that they are all subjectless prayers.
b) that all verbs indicate a phenomenon of nature.
c) that only I, II and III are clauses without a subject.
d) that only IV indicates a phenomenon of nature.
e) that I and IV have a simple subject.
9. Read the following sentence: “People are often not focused on their goals. They do their projects relying more on luck.” The verb to do, in the context in which it is used,
a) has no subject.
b) has a compound subject “the people”.
c) has a hidden subject “they”.
d) has a simple subject inferred by the context.
e) is a verb that indicates weather or climate.
10. "There were denunciations against the politicians."
a) the phrase brings the verb “to rain” which indicates a phenomenon of nature.
b) “the politicians” is a direct object.
c) “the politicians” is the subject of the prayer.
d) The verb “to rain” is not in the sense that it indicates a phenomenon of nature.
e) it is a clause without a subject according to the phenomenon meaning of the verb “to rain”.
By André Tarragô Martins – Middle and Middle School Teacher of Portuguese Language and Master in Letters in the area of Language, Interaction and Learning Processes. In addition, he is a musician and journalist. He works in pre-university entrance exams, pre-contests, private lessons, preparation of competition tests and is content creator for the Portal
At answers are in the link above the header.