O Chile It is a country with more than 6,000 km of coastline and receives many Brazilian tourists because of its beautiful landscapes, full of valleys and mountains. However, the country does not only attract tourists for its landscape, but also for its wonderful food.
A chilean cuisine it brings a lot of variety of European and Asian references, with a lot of seafood for being in contact with the sea, vegetables, and also different types of meat, pastas and sandwiches.
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The interesting thing is that Chile has a characteristic and well-defined climate in part of the country, so that its foods adapt to the season, making them typical foods for each season. For example, in summer, softer foods are more common and in winter, warmer foods such as soup and plenty of broth.
So, on a visit to the country it is interesting to make an itinerary to get to know the different cities, monuments and landscapes, but you should also include in your travel itinerary moments to experience to the
With that, check out the list of 8 typical Chilean foods for you to try.
Curanto originates from the island of Chiloé. O curanto al hoyo It may sound weird but it's like an underground barbecue, where hot stones are placed in a huge hole to cook the ingredients. Thus, on the stones go seafood, potatoes, meat, sausage, chicken and seaweed.
In addition, all ingredients are covered with nalca leaves, a plant characteristic of southern Chile. This dish is made for several people, so it is more common at festivals and celebrations.
However, you can order it in restaurants, but these will be made in pots to be cooked in smaller portions.
O pink conger it is a typical fish in Chile that is present in several recipes and is the most famous in the coastal cities of the country. The congrio is a fish with white meat and a lighter texture than other fish, such as salmon.
It can be made in a variety of ways, such as in Chilean olive oil and accompanied by potatoes and vegetables.
However, it is very popular as a caldillo de congrio. This dish is like a fish broth, with a big piece of congrio in the middle. However, another famous recipe is the version by the poet Pablo Neruda, in which the broth is made with cream and shrimp added to the recipe.
Empanadas are common throughout Latin America, but in Chile they gained a different touch, as they are almost always stuffed with seafood and baked.
However, it can be found with other fillings, such as empanada de pino, stuffed with meat, olives, boiled egg and raisins.
This is one of the most common dishes in Chile, also because it is very simple and quick to prepare. The components are a meat that can vary between recipes, with beef, pork, or even salmon, fried potatoes, fried egg with soft yolk and fried onions.
Pastel de choclo is similar to a common recipe here in Brazil, called escondidinho. However, while here in Brazil it is made with cassava or potatoes, there it is made with corn.
Thus, from corn, a cream is made that will work as the dough that covers a stew of meat with eggs and olives. What is different about this food is the sugar placed on top of the preparation, so that it becomes a bittersweet dish.
The chupes also look like a different form of the Brazilian escondidinho. However, its dough is made with grated bread and in small pieces, with milk, onion, potato and various seasonings. In addition, another differential is the filling, made with crabs or other seafood.
This dish is kind of fast food and the most consumed in Chile. It's like a hot dog, with bread, sausage and tomato, but it has a special ingredient: avocado.
It is transformed into a kind of mashed avocado and works like mashed potatoes put on a hot dog in Brazil. It's really interesting!
Sopaipillas are typical fried snacks from Chile. Its dough is made from pumpkin, which gives it its orange color and the versatility of the appetizer. Added to this, wheat flour, butter and common seasonings are added to the dough.
In addition, they can be sweet, served with a kind of sweet sauce, or savory, with chopped tomatoes or a spicy sauce.
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