In this post we'll show you a bit of the biography of Henri Wallon, for whom emotions play a role fundamental in human development, and it is with them that the student is able to express their wishes and wishes.
Henri Paul Hyacinthe Wallon was born in Paris, France, in 1879.
He graduated in medicine and psychology. He also did philosophy.
In World War II he served as a psychiatrist.
He created a biological child psychology laboratory in 1925.
In 1929 he became a professor at the Sorbonne University and vice president of the French Group for New Education – Institution that helped revolutionize the education system in that country and of which he was president in 1946.
Henri Wallon died in 1962 in Paris. His main motivation in life was to study children and the paths of their intelligence.
Wallon saw the child as having emotions not just a body. The basic elements of his ideas were:
The stages of development according to Henri Wallon are: