Those who took Enem 2021 can now consult the correction of the wording on the 'Participant's Page'. The pedagogical views were released by Inep this past Sunday (10) next to the newsroom mirror.
By consulting the pedagogical view, the participant can check their score in each of the criteria evaluated by the brokers, namely:
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The writing can be corrected by up to 4 professionals reaching a final grade, these professionals trained in letters and linguistics. To be supervisors and sub-coordinators they need at least a master's degree. The correction follows Inep standards, and is always accompanied by a professional of this type.
In 2021, only 22 participants got the maximum grade in the essay, which has a weight of 1000. This year's theme was “Invisibility and civil registration: guaranteeing access to citizenship in Brazil”. As for the reapplication of the exam, so that people who signed up for the new opportunity, given to those who missed the 2020 tests and were exempt from the registration fee, and also to People Deprived of Liberty or under a socio-educational measure that includes deprivation of liberty, the topic of the essay was on “Recognition of the contribution of women in the health sciences in Brazil".
There are cases where the participant can zero the test, which are:
There are also those who participate in the Enem just to train their knowledge, these are called Treineiros. The result of this group was also released by Inep this Sunday, but they cannot use this note to enter a higher education institution or participate in government funding programs for the same end.
Today Enem is the main gateway to higher education institutions in the country, whether public or private. In addition to the Unified Selection System (Sisu), the exam score can also be used for assistance government agencies, such as the Student Financing Fund (Fies) and the University for All Program (ProUni).
See too: Keeping an eye on the Enem: learn how to study current events for the exams
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