According to what appears in the Business Map that was made available by the Ministry of Economy, Brazil has approximately 3.2 million active Individual Microentrepreneurs (MEIs). This category is formed by those who wish to formalize their business, thus guaranteeing benefits. Keep reading and check it out what are the benefits of MEI!
Read more: The MEI that does not have income is entitled to family allowance
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Conceived in 2008, the purpose of this title is to encourage informal and self-employed professionals to regularize themselves. So, see what benefits the category promotes:
Like formal workers (CLT), MEI also makes contributions to the INSS through the DAS (Simplified Collection Document) guide. Thus, having the right to receive sickness benefit if you are unable to carry out your activities.
Since the creation of Complementary Law nº 128/2008, individual micro-entrepreneurs are entitled to maternity pay in cases of pregnancy and adoption of children.
When the MEI is formalized, he starts to have social security coverage for not only him, but also his dependents. Such as the reclusion aid and death pension.
Many banks offer special conditions for those who have CNPJ. Like a longer payment term, special loans and differentiated cards.
The individual microentrepreneur does not pay federal taxes as a legal entity. However, pay attention to your obligations as an individual.
First, the applicant needs to fit into one of the permitted occupations. Thus, those interested in becoming MEI need to meet the following requirements:
However, regarding category obligations, you must complete the gross expense report each month, do the monthly payment of the DAS, submit the Annual Simples Nacional Declaration (DASN) within the deadline and issue an invoice if need.