Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, about words proparoxytones. Let's observe them in the text that introduces us to the film my master, my life? So, answer the proposed questions!
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Professor Joe Clark (Morgan Freeman) is invited by his friend Frank Napier (Robert Guillaume) to take over as principal at a troubled New Jersey school. Authoritarian and arrogant, Clark commands with a firm hand and with unorthodox, sometimes even violent, methods. In this way, he manages to get some students at the school, who suffer from drug trafficking and violence problems, to pass the final year exam held by the government. Even though it does good for the students, its contradictory methods attract admirers but also enemies.
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Question 1 - Highlight the word proparoxytone in this period of the text:
"Professor Joe Clark (Morgan Freeman) is invited by his friend Frank Napier (Robert Guillaume) to take over as principal at a troubled New Jersey school."
Question 2 - The word proparoxytone, previously underlined, performs the function of:
( ) verb.
( ) adjective.
( ) substantive.
Question 3 - The term "trafficking" proparoxytone is:
( ) antonym of “traffic”.
( ) namesake of “traffic”.
( ) paronym for “traffic”.
Question 4 – In the passage “[…] their contradictory methods attract admirers, but also enemies.”, there is a proparoxytone word. Tick it:
( ) “methods”.
( ) “contradictory”.
( ) "also".
Question 5 - What is the stressed syllable of a proparoxytone word?
( ) last syllable.
( ) penultimate syllable.
( ) antepenultimate syllable.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.