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President Jair Bolsonaro (no party) signed a law that affects education for the deaf. Law 14.191/21 disciplines the bilingual education of deaf people in the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDB). The text was approved last Wednesday (4).
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The project defines bilingual education as that in which the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) is considered as the first language. Thus, written Portuguese is considered as the citizen's second language.
Now, the new legislation is expected to come into effect in the following scenarios:
The text approved by the Senate should benefit the following groups of students:
The sanctioned text originates from the Bill (PL) 4909/20. He already had the modality of bilingual teaching in kindergarten. However, it must extend throughout the life of the citizen.
Schools are responsible for promoting specialized educational support. Bilingual teaching will not prevent enrollment in accordance with what the parents, guardians or the student themselves decide.
“We needed to make this correction a long time ago. We are aware of the difficulties that these people face in education environments”, said the rapporteur for the Bill, Deputy Soraya Santos (PL). The information is from the Câmara de Notícias Agency.
Another requirement for schools is that the faculty be prepared. The team must have bilingual teachers who have adequate training. In addition, the didactic material must also be adapted to the needs of the students.
Organizations representing deaf people in Brazil will participate in periodic assessments. These entities must be heard in order to guarantee a quality education.
Another point of the project deals with the training of students. Teaching guidelines should use integrated programs to ensure access to information.
In this way, students will be aware of the necessary technical and scientific knowledge. This practice makes it possible to recover their historical memories.
For this, it will be up to the Union to provide technical and financial support to education systems. Thus, valuing the participation of deaf communities, higher education institutions and entities representing deaf people.