The Trata Brasil Institute, in partnership with GO Associados, released this Monday (20) the 15th edition of the Sanitation Ranking, which evaluates Brazilian municipalities based on data from the National Sanitation System (SNIS) collected during the year 2021.
The three highest scores were attributed to São José do Rio Preto (SP), Santos (SP) and Uberlândia (MG), taking into account consideration some indicators that serve as a parameter for measuring the sanitation index of a municipality.
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Among these indicators are the percentage of the population served with water supply and sewage, the treated sewage index, the amount of investments in sanitation, new water and sewage connections, etc.
São José do Rio Preto conquered an unprecedented feat in the history of the Sanitation Ranking: for the For the first time in 15 editions, a municipality reached the maximum score in all aspects evaluated by the sampling.
According to the Trata Brasil Institute, the city achieved indicators in line with the goals established by the Marco Legal do Sanitation, which provides for the supply of water to 99% of the population and the collection and treatment of sewage for at least 90%.
Among the 20 best municipalities in the 2023 Sanitation Ranking, eight belong to the state of São Paulo, six to Paraná, one in Minas Gerais, one in Rio de Janeiro, one in Tocantins, one in Paraíba, one in Bahia and one in the District Federal.
Among the 20 worst placed, Caucaia (CE), Cariacica (ES) and Manaus (AM) stand out, which lead the negative section of the list.
With regard to the states with the worst indexes, Rio de Janeiro and Pará lead, each having four municipalities among the worst ranked.
The research by Instituto Trata Brasil also reveals that discrepancies between municipalities with better and worse performance are alarming, especially with regard to water infrastructure and sewage.
To give you an idea, while 99.75% of the population of the 20 best-evaluated cities have access to the water network, in the 20 worst-classified municipalities, this index is only 79.59%.
Regarding sewage collection, 97.96% of the population of the 20 best ranked cities have access to the service, while in the 20 worst municipalities, only 29.25% of the inhabitants have this assistance.