Everyone sneezes, but there are different reasons why we do it. The technical term for sneezing is sneezing. It is an involuntary and convulsive expulsion of air from the lungs through the mouth and nose. While it can be embarrassing, sneezing is beneficial.
The main purpose of a sneeze is to expel foreign or irritating particles from the nasal mucosa.
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Generally, sneezing occurs when foreign bodies are not captured by the nasal hairs and touch the nasal mucosa. Irritation can also occur because of an infection or allergic reaction. Motor neurons in the nasal passage send an impulse to the brain via the trigeminal nerve.
The brain responds with a reflex stimulus that contracts the muscles of the diaphragm, pharynx, larynx, mouth and face. In the mouth, the soft palate and uvula go down while the back of the tongue rises. Air is convulsively expelled from the lungs, but as the passage to the mouth is only partially closed, a sneeze comes out of the nose and mouth.
You can't sneeze in your sleep because of REM atony, in which motor neurons stop transmitting reflex signals to the brain. However, some kind of irritation might wake you up so you sneeze. A sneeze doesn't temporarily stop your heart or cause it to skip a beat.
The heart rate may slow down slightly due to stimulation of the vagus nerve when taking a deep breath. However, the effect is minimal.
If bright lights make you sneeze, you're not alone. Scientists estimate that 18 to 35 percent of people experience photic sneezes. Photic sneeze response or PSR is an autosomal dominant trait, which goes by its other name: Autosomal Dominant Persistent Helio-Ophthalmic Burst Syndrome.
Sneezing from bright light does not indicate a sun allergy. Scientists believe it's a signal sent to the brain to shrink the pupils in response to light crossing the signal to sneeze.
A reaction to foreign bodies or bright lights are common reasons for sneezing. However, there are other causes. Some people sneeze when they feel a chill. Others sneeze when plucking their eyebrows. Sneezing immediately after a large meal has also been recorded.
Like photic sneezing, it is an autosomal dominant (inherited) trait. Sneezing can also occur at the onset or climax of sexual arousal. Scientists speculate that sexual sneezing indicates that erectile tissue in the nose may react to stimulation, possibly to increase reception of pheromones.
It's true that you usually can't keep your eyes open when you sneeze. Cranial nerves connect both the eyes and the nose to the brain, so the stimulus to sneeze also causes the eyelids to close.
However, the reason for the answer is not to protect your eyes from popping out of your head! Sneezing is a powerful act, but there are no muscles behind the eye that can contract to eject your eyes.
It's perfectly normal to sneeze twice or several times in a row. This is because it can take more than one sneeze to dislodge and eject irritating particles. How often you sneeze varies from person to person and depends on the reason for the sneeze.
Humans aren't the only creatures that sneeze. Other mammals sneeze, like cats and dogs. Some non-mammalian vertebrates sneeze, such as iguanas and chickens. Sneezing serves the same purpose as in humans and can also be used for communication.
For example, African wild dogs sneeze to vote on whether or not the pack should hunt.
According to the doctor. Allison Woodall, a speech therapist at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, hold your nose and mouth closed to stifle a sneeze can cause dizziness, rupture your eardrums and lead to loss auditory.
Sneezing pressure affects the Eustachian tube and middle ear. It can also injure the diaphragm, rupture blood vessels in the eyes, and even weaken or rupture blood vessels in the brain. It is better to let the sneeze out.
You shouldn't muffle a sneeze, but you might be able to stop one before it happens. Of course, the easiest way is to avoid triggers such as pollen, pet dander, sunlight, overeating, dust, and infections. A good cleaning can reduce house particles. Filters on vacuum cleaners, heaters, and air conditioners also help.
If you feel a sneeze coming on, try a physical preventative method:
If you can't stop the sneeze, you should use a tissue or, at the very least, move away from others. According to the Mayo Clinic, a sneeze expels mucous, irritants and infectious agents at a speed of up to 100 miles per hour. Sneeze residue can travel up to 6 meters and include 100,000 germs.