The citizen card is one of the easiest ways to receive some government benefit. With this document, a direct channel is formed to receive the main aid paid by the government. The Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS), Unemployment Insurance, PIS/Pasep Salary Allowance and also the Brazil Aid are some of them. Knowing this, in this article you will learn how to get the citizen card in an easy and practical way.
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All people who do not have an account at Caixa Econômica Federal have the right to request a citizen card for themselves. This occurs because, if the citizen has an account at Caixa, all the benefits offered can be paid directly through it, and in this case, the card would be of no use. Thus, the citizen card is an alternative for those who do not have an account and are not interested in opening one just to receive the benefits.
In addition, those who do not have a bank account and do not have a citizen card should not worry about the costs, after all, this document is free. Requesting it is very simple, just go to one of the Caixa branches or call the Call Center on 0800 726 0207.
You also need to know what documents are required to be able to apply for the document. First, interested parties must present proof of current residence, i.e. a recent water or electricity bill. Another important document is the Social Inscription Number (NIS), or the Worker's Inscription Number (NIT). Finally, it is crucial to have your RG or CNH handy.
In addition, the worker can use the citizen password to release the card. Thus, you will have access to the social or labor benefits that Caixa makes available. This can be done at any branch of Caixa Econômica Federal, such as lottery outlets, Caixa service points, Caixa correspondents and also self-service terminals.
Finally, if you want to check your balance to find out if there is still any benefit in your account, be it the FGTS or even the PIS, you must access the Caixa website or application. You can also check through these same channels if you are entitled to other government programs, such as salary bonuses or even unemployment insurance.