On July 16, the Chamber of Deputies approved the Electoral PEC, which aims to send resources for social benefits in the pre-election period. It is, therefore, the means that the Government found to enter with the necessary budget to eliminate the queue of the Brazil Aid. In addition, there will also be an increase in the amount of the benefit, which will now be R$ 600 for each of the five installments. See in this article what the possible new Brazil Aid withdrawal dates.
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Before talking about the dates, we need to understand how exactly these payments will be and who has the right to receive them. In this case, the transfer of the new benefit will occur in the same way as the Brazil Aid already works. Therefore, families registered with CadÚnico and who have a per capita income between R$ 105.01 and R$ 210 will be able to receive this new amount.
However, the approval of the PEC brought other benefits in addition to the increase in value, which will now be R$ 600. This is because the Federal Government intends to eliminate the queue for receiving the aid, in addition to increasing the value of the gas voucher to R$ 120 every two months. Not to mention that there will also be an exclusive “voucher” for truck drivers worth R$ 1,000 and a support benefit for taxi drivers.
The forecast of withdrawal dates uses the 2022 Brazil Aid calendar as a reference, as disclosed by the Federal Government. That is, the same dates already foreseen for receiving the benefit must be maintained, only now with the new value. Thus, the 5 installments to be paid may fall on the following dates:
Likewise, it is believed that payments will follow the order of the beneficiaries' final NIS number, as already occurs with Auxílio Brasil withdrawals.