This is a typical case where the dream gradually turns into a burden, much to the dismay of everyone involved. Mariana Lambert, a young woman from the United States (USA), received a very high tip at her job, but it left her with some headaches. This case occurred inside the Pennsylvania restaurant Alfredo’s Coffee, where she works.
Read more: Does the customer have to pay a tip? Understand the “Law of Tipping”
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On June 16, an out-of-town customer named Eric Smith enjoyed homemade stromboli (a type of pizza bread) at Alfredo’s Coffee in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and left a very large tip, in the amount of US$ 3,000 (over 15 thousand reais), for the waitress Mariana Lambert.
Restaurant manager Matt Martini recalled the fact that Lambert walked into his office crying and shaking at the time. bill payment and claimed that a customer had left a $3,000 tip on a $200 bill 13,25.
Jacobson, an employee who has worked at the family restaurant for over a decade, witnessed the incident and asked Smith what was behind his action. He claimed that his goal was to give back to the community as he was involved in cryptocurrencies, earning well on his investment.
On the purchase note, it was written “Tip for Jesus” (tips for Jesus, translated in Portuguese) referring to a trend created on social networks. This expression refers to the Instagram account of the same name, “tipsforjesus”, which has been running for many years by an anonymous person who makes large donations in tips at restaurants.
Although Mariana and the restaurant were shocked and surprised by what happened, they both accepted the generous gift. Also because this is not a common tip to be given so easily.
However, days later, Eric got in touch asking for a refund of the tip. The incident had a significant impact because he claims it was a deceitful action and not a good deed.
Lambert and the management of the restaurant were forced to take legal action to try to fix things and get out of this situation. The case is being processed in the legal sphere and will be analyzed shortly.