When retiring having worked as a teacher and being a person with a disability, it is necessary to be careful when choosing the best rule for your future retirement. So, who is a teacher and is part of this group should know the possibility of retirement with the application of the double reduction. See now how to retire through INSS being a PCD teacher.
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The retirement rule that best fits teachers is not applied to the entire category, as the law defines who should have this right. In addition, teachers' retirement is different from the others, since it has a 5-year reduction in the minimum time of contribution to the INSS and in age. So, the application of these rules applies to teachers who work:
Furthermore, in addition to teaching in the classroom, these more beneficial rules can also be used by teachers who are working within schools in the sectors of:
According to Brazilian law, “persons with a disability” are those who have some long-term impediment (2 years or more) who, when in contact with some barrier, have full and effective participation in life in obstructed society, presenting difficulties.
However, it is important to remember that the impediments can be as much of a physical nature as they are of a mental, intellectual or sensory nature. In addition, the aforementioned barrier is understood as any impediment, obstacle, attitude or behavior that limits or prevents the participation of that person in society, as well as the enjoyment, opportunity and exercise of their rights.
The PCD teacher can apply for retirement benefiting from the two reductions to which he is entitled:
This possibility of double reduction is given by the interpretation of the law made by scholars of social security law. Thus, it is understood that the requirements for PCD teacher retirement are different from other teachers.