It was approved by the Federal Senate last Thursday, June 30, the PEC of Aid, which stipulates a package of R$ 41.25 billion to reduce the impact of consecutive increases in the price of fuels. Basically, the PEC improves the social programs that already exist, in addition to creating other benefits. The bill now goes to the Chamber of Deputies.
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The vote on the PEC would take place on Wednesday, June 29, but ended up being postponed due to pressure from the opposition, which requested more time to discuss the text. The main point of contention was the mechanism that allows the federal government to declare a state of emergency when it comes to fuel.
Another change made at the last minute, promoted by the rapporteur, was also the creation of an aid to be paid to taxi drivers who are duly registered.
According to information provided by the government, Bezerra established that the new benefit would be limited to an approximate expenditure of R$ 2 billion. The amount, in turn, will be directed to taxi drivers and will be paid monthly, however we have not yet obtained information on what this amount will be.
At first, the amendment was also including application drivers. However, the government stated that it would have difficulties finding mechanisms to regulate transfers to professionals working on transport platforms.
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