You fungusare organisms heterotrophs belonging to Kingdom Fungi and who have eukaryotic cells. They depend on the decomposition of organic matter to survive.
We prepared a list of discursive questions about fungus so that you can test your knowledge about these important living beings for the biogeochemical cycles.
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1) (VUNESP – Mod.) In Linnaeus' classification system, fungi were considered lower plants and formed the same group as mosses and ferns. However, modern classification systems place fungi in a separate kingdom, Kingdom Fungi. Explain why fungi differ from plants.
2) (UFTM) A researcher found a living being in the Amazon rainforest that had a chitin cell wall, stored glycogen and did not have chloroplasts.
a) From the characteristics found, the researcher concluded that such a living being could not be placed at the base of a food chain. What led you to that conclusion and why?
3) In the 19th century, algae and fungi were classified as vegetables. In modern classifications, algae and fungi belong to different kingdoms. What are the main differences between the two groups?
4) (UEG) At first glance, fungi are not very interesting, but they make a decisive contribution to biological diversity. In addition, they have economic importance. Soft drinks, for example, are fungal products, because most have citric acid, produced by a fungus, Aspergillus lividus, which is used industrially. LOPES, S.; ROSSO, S. Biology. 1 ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2005.
About fungi, answer the question.
a) Name three characteristics of these organisms.
b) Fungi form different associations with other living beings. Cite an example of these associations and their respective biological importance.
5) (UFRRJ – Mod.) In conquering the terrestrial environment, represented by “bare” rock, the efficiency of lichens is known, which are associations between a fungus and certain types of autotrophic organisms. A fungus, usually an ascomycete, produces an acid that degrades the rock, managing to retain water and salts minerals, which will be used by the associated autotroph to produce organic matter, also supplying it to the fungus. The described mutualistic association will be more efficient if the referred autotrophic organism is of which type?
6) (UFOP) In the oldest classification systems, fungi and plants belonged to the same kingdom, which does not currently occur. Based on this fact, answer the questions below.
a) Name two characteristics that justify the removal of fungi from the plant kingdom.
b) Name the current realms of biological classification.
c) Give an example of living beings belonging to each kingdom of biological classification.
7) (UFC) The Fungi kingdom has about 70,000 species, including fungi of ecological and/or economic importance.
a) Briefly explain why fungi, along with heterotrophic bacteria, are so ecologically important.
b) Why do some fungi such as Aspergillus flavus and parasiticus, which grow on stored seeds of corn, wheat and peanuts, are harmful to human health even after the fungus has been eliminated from these seeds?
c) Plant or animal? Fungi are neither one nor the other. Name one characteristic of fungi that resembles animals and another that resembles plants.
8) (UNESP SP/2007) In a vegetarian restaurant, the menu contained the following items:
(Glossary: tofu = cheese prepared with soy milk; gluten = protein extracted from wheat.)
Identify the menu item that cannot be considered to have a vegetable origin. Indicate the Kingdom to which the item belongs and give a characteristic that differentiates it from both an animal and a plant.
9) (UNICAMP) “Scientists seek medicine at sea” is the title of a report (O Estado de S. Paulo, 05/02/2005, p. A16) on research that identified molecules with pharmacological activity present in animals marine organisms, such as sponges and sea squirts, against pathogenic agents that cause tuberculosis, leishmaniasis and candidiasis. The pathogenic agents that cause the diseases mentioned in the report are, respectively, bacteria, protozoa and fungi.
a) Give two characteristics that allow you to differentiate bacteria from protozoa.
b) Fungi have structural and reserve polysaccharide components, also found in animals. Justify the statement.
10) (FUVEST) Consider a yeast, which is a unicellular fungus, multiplying in a nutrient medium, where the only source of carbon is sucrose, a sugar that does not cross the cell membrane.
a) On what initial process does the utilization of sucrose by yeast depend?
b) What carbon compound is eliminated by the yeast if it uses the products originated from sucrose in the oxidation reactions that occur in its mitochondria?
In addition to not performing photosynthesis, fungi have glycogen as an energy reserve substance, while in plants the energy reserve is starch.
a) The living being that did not show chloroplasts, stores glycogen and with chitin in the cell wall, belongs to fungi that are heterotrophic. Therefore, it cannot be placed together with the producers, who are at the base of a food chain.
b) Living beings belong to the kingdom Fungi. This organism manages to obtain its organic matter by absorption, as it performs extracorporeal digestion.
Autotrophism characterizes all algae, while all fungi are heterotrophs.
The) eukaryotes, non-photosynthetic, chitinous cell wall, absence of tissues, nutrition by absorption, immobile, presence of hyphae and mycelia.
B) Lichens – association of fungi with seaweed unicellular. They are pioneering organisms in the occupation of inhospitable areas (they degrade rocks to form soil); pollution bioindicators; protect the soil from erosion.
mycorrhizae – association of fungi with roots of higher plants. They help absorb nutrients from the soil.
That mutualistic association will succeed if the autotrophic organism is a cyanobacterium.
a) Heterotroph and glycogen as a reserve.
b) Monera, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia.
w) monera: bacteria.
Protist: amoeba.
fungus: Basidiomycetes.
Plantae: bryophytes.
Animalia: mammals.
a) Along with bacteria, fungi play an important role in nutrient cycling by promoting the decomposition of organic matter dead.
b) Because these fungi produce toxins that remain in the food even after the fungi are removed.
c) A resemblance to animals: both are heterotrophs. A similarity with plants: both have a cell wall.
The item on the menu that cannot be considered of vegetable origin is mushrooms.
they belong to Kingdom Fungi, and the characteristic that differentiates them, at the same time, from an animal and a vegetable is the presence of a cell wall consisting of chitin, body formed by hyphae (mycelium) and the fruiting body.
A animal cell lacks cell wall and plant cell It has a cell wall made of cellulose.
a) As bacteria do not have a nucleus, while the protozoa own; bacteria do not have cytoskeleton and protozoans have.
b) Fungi have chitin in their cell walls. polysaccharide found in the exoskeleton of arthropods and in the bristles of annelids. Fungi have the glycogen as an energy reserve, which also occurs in animals.
a) The use of sucrose depends on its prior digestion (extracellular) enzyme (sucrase) produced by the yeast itself. The digestion of sucrose produces fructose and glucose, both hexoses that cross the cell membrane.
b) Nas mitochondria of yeast occurs to cellular respiration, whose process uses the hexoses and releases CO2.
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