What is BPC? BPC and the Continuing Provision Benefit, That is a monthly allowance, in the amount of one minimum wage, offered to seniors aged 65 or over and people with some type of disability, foreseen in Social Assistance Law(LOAS).
Who is entitled to the BPC? Brazilians, whether born or naturalized, and Portuguese with fixed residence in Brazil are entitled to this assistance benefit.
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The requirements to apply for the BPC are: enroll in the Single Register of Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico) and prove that the family income is less than ¼ of the current minimum wage per family member, that is, who does not have sufficient financial resources for their sustenance.
In case of disability, it will be necessary to prove this condition, which is analyzed by the Social Service and by the Medical Expertise of the INSS.
To apply for the benefit, interested parties must make an appointment through one of the INSS service channels, which are the
The documents needed for apply for BPC they are:
Payment is made, through an authorized bank, to the beneficiary or his legal representative. The BPC cannot be accumulated with another INSS benefit, such as a pension and retirement, or another benefit, such as unemployment insurance.
The exceptions are health care benefits, special indemnity pensions and apprenticeship contract remuneration.
The right to the BPC is guaranteed in the article 203 of the Federal Constitution of 1988. Therefore, it does not require any contribution to Social Security.