To the violets they are plants of small size, which have an average of 15 cm, and are widely used in the decoration of internal environments of houses and apartments.
They have sheets rounded edges that feature intense green to contrast with the flowers colorful, small and numerous.
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Violets have at least 250 varieties of flowers and, in Brazil, plants with white, lilac, purple, pink and bicolor flowers are found.
violets are easy care plants and can be grown in gardens or pots. They need little care for them to grow strong and display beautiful flowers to decorate your home.
The first care is to choose the place where the violets will be grown, both in the beds and in the vases, they need places with partial shade, where they receive good light, but are not directly exposed to the Sun.
O pH of the ground must be neutral and the distance between one plant and another in the garden must be 30 cm so that the plants develop without harming each other.
Remember to keep the substrate always moist, but not soaked. If you live in a very dry area, at certain times of the year you may need to water more than once a day.
If your violet is in a vase, prefer ceramic or clay ones and remember to fertilize the soil with fertilizers based on urea whenever necessary.
Violets survive better in milder temperatures, that is, places where there is not much thermal variation.
In very hot regions, prefer to leave your violets in places with more shade and water more often. In colder places, do not leave the plant so muffled, choose places where it has good light.
When watering, it is important to put water in the soil and avoid wetting the violet leaves and flowers too much, so you avoid them turning yellow.
It is also important to pay attention to the amount of water, as violets are plants sensitive to very humid environments, always remember to check that the soil is still damp before watering again.
Sporadically, prune the violet leaves, cleaning the older or wilted ones, making sure your plant is always beautiful.
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