In the ancient language spoken in India, Sanskrit, karma or karma means action, and is a term coming from the Buddhist, Hindu and Jain religions, later adopted also by Spiritism.
In physics, the word Karma refers to the law of action/reaction: “For every action there is a reaction of equivalent strength in sense. contrary”, that is, for every action that an individual performs there will be one. reaction.
Every religion has its concept on the subject, but the. meaning of the word is related to action and its consequences.
The law of Karma suggests that the universe adjusts the effect to yours. cause, that is, all the good or bad that we have done in a lifetime will bring us. good or bad consequences for this life or next lifetimes, second. some religions.
The word Karma can also be written Karma in Portuguese and literally means action. In very ancient Indian texts, the word karma already appeared in writings dated from 1000 and 700 BC, which spoke about sacrificial rituals. It was believed that, as a result of the act, it was possible to gain wealth and even “a place in heaven”.
See too: Exchange.
In ancient India, the literal translation for the word Karma is. “deliberate act”. In its origins, the word karma meant. “force” or “movement”.
After a while, the word took on more meaning. deep, expressing the evolution of the term to “law” or. “order”, often being defined as “law of conservation of. strength".
This means that each person will receive the result of his actions. It's a mere case of cause and effect.
The concept defined today for the word karma is o. concept of guilt, punishment, forgiveness and redemption. In Buddhism, the word karma is. used to show the importance of developing right attitudes and intentions.
Dharma, word of Indian origin, expresses different. meanings, but essentially represents a law or reality.
In Hinduism, dharma is defined as the moral and religious law. that regulates the behavior of the individual. It is also described as mission no. world or one's life purpose.
For Buddhists, dharma is synonymous with blessing or reward. for the good deeds done. In Jainism, dharma is the classification given to. eternal element that enables the movement of beings.
According to Indian philosophy, karma represents a species. of universal law. He is responsible for dictating that every action has consequences. future, which depend on their nature. According to the studies professor. religious Herman Tull, “More simply, a good deed leads to good. results and a bad action to bad results”.
Indian beliefs preach that the person suffers a Karma. you can pay for the consequences of your mistakes not just now, but throughout. eternity. Each person's suffering is determined by the actions in one (or. more) previous life(s). Whoever acts in the right way can get rid of. charge accumulated by your previous lives.
That is, even if the person has no idea what he committed in a posthumous life, he must pay for it.
Be sure to check: Premise.
Buddhists, Hindus, adherents of Jainism and Sikhism, give karma an important place in their philosophies and beliefs. The idea. that we reap what we sow also appears in other religions, such as the. Christianity and Judaism, which, however, do not believe in reincarnation.
Nowadays, karma has evolved from its spiritual meaning e. it became a way of explaining luck and bad luck in everyday life.
Many people blame fate for bad things that. they happen in your life and call the streak of bad luck Karma.
But many of those times, people forget that it's responsibility. of each one guiding their own life. But one thing is certain: each one chooses how. react to what happens.
A popular movie called Butterfly Effect, starring. Ashton Kutcher tells the story of a boy who managed to go back in time. Each time this happened, the fate of all people who. loved changed drastically, expressing the idea that every action has one. different consequence, like the concept of Kharma.
The concept of action and reaction around karma is a. representation of “punishment”, but fortunately there is increasing awareness about. its true meaning. According to the quality of this action – quality with the. sense of characteristic or attribute – such will be the reaction it provokes.
It is interesting to note that the “here it is done here it is paid for” has. deeper meanings than mere past-life results. O. The concept encompasses an essential truth: that every action results in a reaction. the height.
For example, if a person acts disrespectfully e. selfish with others, she only thinks about herself and does not help others, the consequence. will it be that the day she needs it, she won't have someone to extend her. hand. Action and reaction.
As explained by the website Green Me (I'll do the earth well), this is the simplified definition of Karma and Dharma:
“Evil is ignorance, and. Good is wisdom” (Henrique José de Souza), means that evil is and comes from. ignorance, that is, of Man's ignorance of cosmic laws. and in relation to itself. Without the slightest knowledge of these laws. Universals manifest themselves and are reflected in his life, Man will have to fall and. get up many times, until you acquire wisdom, that precious Good that results. of all your experiences and is the fruit of your own effort.
If you follow the. dharma, you will have good karma. Thus can be summarized the ancient wisdom e. doctrine taught in the Upanishads, one of the oldest religious texts e. Indian philosophical.
But what is this. means? Karma is a term derived from the Sanskrit karman, which can be. translated as “creating something by acting”; in practice, the part not necessarily. visible of our actions create our destiny. “Dharma” is also one. Sanskrit word meaning “moral obligation, truth”, “how things are” or “how things should be”.
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