The little-known hand-foot-and-mouth disease, Coxsackie group virus, which is transmitted through food, personal contact or contaminated objects.
First, when coming into contact with the virus, the victim begins to experience symptoms from 3 to 7 days after contagion, and the symptoms can be intense.
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Fevers that can exceed 38°C, intense sore throat, spots and blisters are on the list of symptoms.
At the slightest sign of infection, the person should go to the doctor, especially in the case of children, whose treatment will be guided by the pediatrician.
The diagnosis can only be made through a professional. He, the general practitioner or pediatrician, will assess the symptoms and stains.
As the symptoms are common to some diseases, it is common for the bearer to get confused and not pay due attention, but do not fall into this error.
Go to the doctor and request the necessary laboratory tests to avoid taking risks.
One of the main symptoms is the appearance of red spots or blisters on the hands, feet, as well as canker sores in the mouth.
The aforementioned symptoms usually appear after three days of contagion, but they are not the only ones. See more:
Stay tuned for symptoms and go to the doctor when necessary.
Therefore, hand-foot-mouth disease, it was to be expected that this syndrome could be transmitted through human contact.
Coughing, sneezing, saliva and direct contact with blisters can transmit the disease, especially during the first 7 days of illness.
However, be aware that even after recovery, the virus can still be transmitted through faeces for about 4 weeks.
The essential thing is to stay away from infected people, not share personal and non-transferable objects, and wash your hands after coughing, sneezing, etc.
The virus can also come through food, so wash food well before consumption.
Therefore, as for the treatment, it will be the use of medicines against fever, pain, anti-inflammatories, medicines and ointments for itching and canker sores.
Finally, remembering that the treatment should always be guided by the doctor.
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