Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the reign of termites. Termites live in colonies where tasks are distributed like in a royal palace. Very interesting, isn't it? Will we know more about this subject? To do this, carefully read the text "Did you know that termites live in a kingdom?" Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Kings, queens and workers are some of the members of the termite kingdom. Kingdom? Yeah, you didn't read it wrong. Termites live in colonies where tasks are distributed like in a royal palace. Let's see…
The queen and the king do not have tiring work such as those assigned to her subjects. The couple has the function of reproducing, generating offspring. When the queen is fertilized, her abdomen grows two to three millimeters and she can lay two eggs a minute! At the end of the day, she can lay 20,000 to 30,000 eggs. Kings and queens usually live from 15 to 45 years. In the colony, only the royal couple has eyes. The other individuals are guided by their sense of smell. One more curiosity: the king is smaller than the other termites and has a dark color.
But who cares for the eggs of royalty, which incubate for about two weeks? This is the work of termites, as well as the drilling of wood and the search and storage of food for the other members of the colony. Oh yes: the construction, repair, expansion and cleaning of the nest are also up to them, in addition to the elimination of sick or dead individuals and the care of the newborns. Ufa!
As the workers have a lot to do and the safety of the termite mound cannot be compromised, there are also termites, which protect the nest against other animals that could threaten the place. Their jaws are bigger and stronger than other termites, and they have great head strength. Other than that, soldiers produce a toxic secretion to use against any invaders.
But how are soldiers, workers, kings and queens born? In fact, the nymph – termite larva – has no defined identity. After hatching, they feed and develop for about two weeks, when they then reveal themselves. soldiers, workers or winged, which are termites intended for reproduction, those that can give rise to a new Cologne. These winged termites, when ready, fly in search of a place to build a new nest, becoming new kings and queens.
Jaqueline Aparecida Gonçalves Soares. “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 210. Available in: .
Question 1 - The text about the reign of termites has intentions:
( ) didactic.
( ) scientific.
( ) journalistic.
Question 2 - In "Termites live in colonies where tasks are distributed as in a royal palace.", the term "how" plays the role of:
( ) give an example.
( ) point out a cause.
( ) make a comparison.
Question 3 - The author used the interjection "Whew!" to express the feeling of:
( ) relief, after listing the many tasks of the worker termite.
( ) joy, after listing the many tasks of the worker termite.
( ) admiration, after listing the many tasks of the worker termite.
Question 4 – In “Their jaws are bigger and stronger than those of other termites, and they have great head strength.”, the author exposes characteristics:
( ) of kings and queens.
( ) of worker termites.
( ) of termites.
Question 5 - The expression "termite larva":
( ) explains “nymph”.
( ) characterizes “nymph”.
( ) complements “nymph”.
Question 6 – Identify those that, according to the text, "are termites intended for reproduction":
( ) "soldiers".
( ) "workers".
( ) “winged”.
Question 7 – According to the text, the king and queen have the function of:
( ) generate offspring.
( ) take care of the eggs during the incubation period.
( ) protect nests against threatening animals.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.