Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the city mouse and the country mouse. According to this story, the city mouse went to discover life in the countryside and the country mouse went to discover life in the city… What impressions did the visit to a friend's house make on each of them? Were you curious to know how this story unfolds? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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One day a little country mouse invited his friend who lived in the city to visit him at his house in the middle of the grass. The little mouse from the city went, but he was very upset when he saw what was for dinner: barley grains and some roots that tasted of earth.
– Poor you, my friend! – he exclaimed. – It takes an ant's life! Come live with me in the city and the two of us together will finish off all the bacon in this country!
And there went the little mouse from the countryside to the city. The friend showed him a pantry with cheese, honey, cereal, figs and dates. The field mouse's jaw dropped. They decided to start the feast at the same time. But I could barely smell it: the pantry door opened and someone entered. The two rats fled in terror and hid in the first tight hole they found. When the situation calmed down and the friends were leaving their hiding place carefully, someone else entered the pantry and had to disappear again. By now, the field mouse was already falling down the tables.
“See you later,” he said. - IM going. I can see that your life is a luxury only, but for me it doesn't work. It's very dangerous. I go to my house, where I can eat my simple food in peace.
Moral: Better a modest life with peace and quiet than all the luxury in the world with dangers and worries.
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Question 1 - The text "The little mouse of the city and the little mouse of the field" is:
( ) A tale.
( ) a fable.
( ) a report.
Question 2 - The story read happens because:
( ) the mouse from the countryside invited his friend, the mouse from the city, for a visit.
( ) the city mouse invited his friend, the country mouse, to live with him.
( ) the mouse from the countryside and the mouse from the city experienced situations of great danger.
Question 3 - In “[…] what was there for dinner: barley grains and some roots that taste like earth.”, the colon introduces:
( ) the specification of what was available for dinner at the country mouse's house.
( ) an opinion about what was for dinner at the country mouse's house.
( ) a suspicion about what was for dinner at the country mouse's house.
Question 4 – In the excerpt “– Poor you, my friend! – he exclaimed.”, the city mouse uses the expression “my friend” to address the field mouse. In this context, this expression is:
( ) a subject.
( ) a bet.
( ) a vocative.
Question 5 - According to the narrator, the two mice barely had time to smell the feast in the city, since:
( ) “the pantry door opened and someone entered”.
( ) “they fled terrified and hid in the first tight hole they found”.
( ) “another person entered the pantry and had to disappear again”.
Question 6 – The figurative language is present in the segment:
( ) "And there went the little mouse from the countryside to the city."
( ) "The little mouse in the field had its jaw dropped."
( ) "They decided to start the banquet at the same time."
Question 7 – The dashes were used in the text to:
( ) announce the mice's speech.
( ) indicate the beginning of the mice's speech.
( ) mark a brief pause in the mice's speech.
Question 8 – In the period “It's very dangerous. I go to my house, where I can eat my simple food in peace.”, the field mouse:
( ) seeks to alert the friend to the dangers of city life.
( ) shows sadness for not being able to live with the city mouse.
( ) exposes his arguments for giving up living with the city mouse.
Question 9 – Mark, in the moral of the story, the term that indicates a comparison between the two lives:
“Better a modest life with peace and quiet than all the luxury in the world with dangers […]”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.